Dutch Gold

In 2022, Dutch Gold’s parent firm, Comans decided to decrease the size of their cans their products were marketed in in order to prevent a price hike following the introduction of minimum unit pricing in Ireland. Comans charged me with redesigning the can to make sure it had the greatest possible visual impact because they knew that reducing the size of the can could have the unintended consequence of decreasing on-shelf visibility.

Original can design

Original packaging

I found myself asking a simple question that provided the solution. “Why isn’t the can gold?”

I made the decision to simplify the design completely and approach the golden can as a blank canvas. I simplified the visual components that had accumulated on the can over time and let the essential components of the brand to speak for itself.

Redesigned can

Redesigned packaging

The illustration of iconic Dutch Gold sailor was refined and is the main focus of the packaging again and the Dutch Gold wordmark was redesigned to complement the more minimal style of the new can.

Numerous news sites in Ireland covered the launch of the new can due to the positive reception the rebrand garnered on social media. With more than a million units sold, Dutch Gold continued to be Comans' best-selling product in 2022.